Sharing my experience in the classroom as a life skills special ed transition teacher by providing resources and solutions for fellow educators
Purpose of Teaching Car Buying
Purpose of Teaching Public Transportation
Purpose of Teaching Trip Planning
Our next topic in the Consumer Math Blog Series is about how to teach Time Management. Read more about why and how you can teach Time Management using my Time Management Lesson Unit (click here to get your copy).
Are you fresh out of college and just accepted your first job teaching life skills as a special education teacher at the high school or transition level? Or, was your department chair so impressed with your skills that they want you to bless the students in the functional...
You may have heard of Boom Cards and thought to yourself, ‘Oh- just another teaching fad I’m not going to waste my time learning about or investing money in.’ Well, let me tell you that this isn’t a trend and deserves a second chance!
Contrary to the majority of the...
Purpose of Teaching about Food Budgets
Purpose of Teaching Meal Prep
Purpose of Teaching Bank Services
Purpose of Teaching about Goal Setting
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