From kitchen safety to confidently placing an order at a restaurant to personal self-care, the full-year
Life Skills Curriculum
equips teens and young adults with disabilities to navigate real-world experiences.
Through age-appropriate graphics and hands-on practice,
students build independent living skills like personal hygiene, shopping, money skills, and recreation—
preparing them to contribute at home and access their community.
Each lesson unit provides foundational learning, various skill practice activities, and opportunities to transfer skills from the classroom to home and community settings.
A Life Skills Curriculum to introduce, practice, assess, and reward students as they learn valuable functional daily living skills.
A 1,800+ page curriculum designed to go BEYOND just worksheets. This curriculum comes complete with everything educators need to teach Life Skills from slide decks, videos, games, Boom Cards and MORE. This will quickly become your favorite go-to resource!
What's Included
Lesson Units Includes:
- Pre-test/Post-test of basic knowledge
- 1 page, 3 paragraph explanatory narrative (with read aloud audio)
- 1 page narrative with visuals
- Slide deck PDF Lesson
- How-to videos
- Skill practice ideas
- Boom Cards for practice, review, or assessment (also printable for paper/pencil use)
- 5 Strategies for skill success
- Visual steps for non-verbal prompting
- Review game (except Time Management & Rec/Leisure)
- Learning reflection worksheet
- Word search of key vocabulary
- Coloring page
- Encouraging quotes
- Practice at home worksheet (ideal for ‘homework’)
- Student success certificate as a ‘formal’ means of showing /rewarding skill mastery
- Data collection Form
- 2 Google Sheets budgeting docs
- Scope and sequence, tips, suggestions, and links

"As a speech pathologist, it is so important to cover life skills with the older special education students. This bundle comes with EVERYTHING you could ask for! Videos, questions, readings, etc. The students love it and it is wonderful to see them understand each skill we discuss."

Lesson Unit Topics
Independent Living Skills
- Cleaning
- Laundry
- Phone Skills
- Problem Solving
- Time Management
- Clean Room (mini lesson)
- Pack, Purse, & Wallet (mini lesson)
- Advocacy (mini lesson)
Kitchen & Cooking Skills
- 5 Food Groups
- Cleaning Dishes
- Following a Recipe
- Food Storage & Expiration Dates
- Kitchen Safety (FREE sneak peek!)
- Meal/Table Manners
Money Skills
- Banking & ATM
- Budgeting
- Counting Money
- Paying with Money (Cash & Debit Card)
Recreation/Leisure Skills
- Recreation & Leisure
- Fitness & Exercise (mini lesson)
- How to Write an Email (mini lesson)
Restaurant Skills
- Budget for a Restaurant Meal
- Ordering Food
- Restaurant Manners
- Sit-Down Restaurant & Tipping
Safety Skills
- Digital Citizenship
- How to Be Safe
Self-Care Skills
- Bathroom & Hand Washing
- Getting Dressed
- Showering & Deodorant
- Teeth Brushing
- Washing Hair & Shaving
- Nail Care (mini lesson)
- Periods & Pads (mini lesson)
Shopping Skills
- Comparing Prices
- Navigating a Store
- Paying for a Purchase

"Love that it covers everything and in detail. Another great thing about these lessons is it covers a variety of learning styles from visual to hands-on to interactive with fun games. Even comes with ways you can add it into community time."

Age Appropriate Design
Honors the chronological age of the student, mature font, clutter-free design, custom graphics, and colors fitting for older students

Consistency for All
Developed with routine in mind, lesson units are designed with consistency to increase structure for both students and teachers

Built from Experience
With 15 years of experience teaching special education, the curriculum includes both students and teacher wants and needs

"This is truly a complete curriculum. It has readers, videos, and activities. Some even contain games. All I have to do is print and add some real/physical items to go along if I want. I am really impressed. I cannot wait to start using this curriculum with my high schoolers."
Get your hands on a lesson today!
Because educators know what their students need best.

"I love the skills targeted in this bundle and how they are very low prep for me. This resource saves me TONS of time and the students are engaged. I have a variety of ability levels and the lessons are easily modified to fit your students needs across the board. Excellent!"
Frequently Asked Questions
Are the materials appropriate for high school students?
How many days does a lesson unit span?
What is a 'mini lesson?'
Are the materials differentiated?
Will I need to supplement the curriculum with other resources?
Are there any digital features?

"I was looking for a curriculum to last a year (or more!) with my students with intellectual disabilities. I wanted it to cover safety, home awareness, community awareness and job skills. This curriculum covers the majority of the topics I wanted and did a great job of breaking down the skills, creating opportunities for data collection and easy to navigate."
Licensing Giude
Thank you for your interest in the Life Skills Curriculum. Resources are not to be shared amongst collegues or used by a course grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. Use the licensing guide below to determine which licensing option is best for your school.

"My students loved using this resource for their lifeskills class. They were engaged and had no trouble finding it interesting. It didn't take much to prepare with the resources and I enjoyed the added IEP tracking goals."
Have more questions?
Let's chat so you can make an informed decision for you and your students.
Check out a sample lesson, learn about evidence-based teaching strategies in the curriculum, and get assistance with ordering!