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Feeling stuck and worried your loved one is missing out on disability benefits?


Overwhelmed trying to

make sense of all?

 Let’s easily find the money, services, and support that’s available for your teen or young adult with disabilities in Illinois



If you’ve ever thought…

…Will I have to quit my job to care for my loved one after they leave school?

…Is PUNS even worth it?

…Guardianship is SO expensive and takes so long. Is this really the only option for me to become their main decision-maker?

Can I pay my neighbor or Uber to drive my loved one places safely?

…What other housing options are out there besides group homes?

…They want to go to college like their siblings. I wish there were programs to offer that college-like experience.


There is money for common expenses like care and transportation.

PUNS is totally worth it.

There are a few other FREE options besides guardianship.

Living in the community can look many different ways.

College experience programs for students with disabilities do exist.

And, if you’re like most other Illinois families with loved ones with disabilities,

you probably have a lot more questions, hopes, and wishes.

You deserve answers and support.

Plain and simple.


Take Advantage Illinois guides you through the muddy process of understanding and accessing services quicker and more confidently, making sure you maximize the money and support available to your loved one.

Think your student wouldn’t qualify for disability benefits? All they need is a Social Security Number, be nearing or over 18 years old, and have a qualifying disability.


If you:

   → Feel like you should be doing something but aren’t sure what to do or when

   → Feel so overwhelmed and confused by what you read and hear that you just give up

   → Feel behind and discouraged and need help taking the first step

   → Have a loved one that’s a teenager or young adult with a disability

   → Live in Illinois

   → Want the best for your loved one


    The Take Advantage IL Benefit Guides are the solution!


Click HERE to Get Started!
Order Now!

Feeling stuck and worried your loved one is missing out on disability benefits?


Overwhelmed trying to

make sense of all?

 Let’s easily find the money, services, and support that’s available for your teen or young adult with disabilities in Illinois



If you’ve ever thought…

…Will I have to quit my job to care for my loved one after they leave school?

…Is PUNS even worth it?

…Guardianship is SO expensive and takes so long. Is this really the only option for me to become their main decision-maker?

Can I pay my neighbor or Uber to drive my loved one places safely?

…What other housing options are out there besides group homes?

…They want to go to college like their siblings. I wish there were programs to offer that college-like experience.


There is money for common expenses like care and transportation.

PUNS is totally worth it.

There are a few other FREE options besides guardianship.

Living in the community can look many different ways.

College experience programs for students with disabilities do exist.

And, if you’re like most other Illinois families with loved ones with disabilities, you probably have a lot more questions, hopes, and wishes.

You deserve answers and support.

Plain and simple.


Take Advantage Illinois guides you through the muddy process of understanding and accessing services quicker and more confidently, making sure you maximize the money and support available to your loved one.

Think your student wouldn’t qualify for disability benefits? All they need is a Social Security Number, be nearing or over 18 years old, and have a qualifying disability.


If you:

   → Feel like you should be doing something but aren’t sure what to do or when

   → Feel so overwhelmed and confused by what you read and hear that you just give up

   → Feel behind and discouraged and need help taking the first step

   → Have a loved one that’s a teenager or young adult with a disability

   → Live in Illinois

   → Want the best for your loved one


The Take Advantage IL Benefit Guides are the solution!


Click HERE to Get Started!

Feel EMPOWERED to help your loved one

access the benefits they need and deserve

to achieve their long-term goals


Stop the Endless Searching 

How to file guardianship paperwork…Yeah, that’s not Google-able (and not worth scrolling for hours in a Facebook Group)!

Step-by-step help can be at your fingertips in less than a minute.  


Stop Waiting for (and Then Missing) Webinar After Webinar

Waiting a week or two here and there, and then another hour or two watching really adds up. 

Get the help you are looking for in seconds, no Play/Pause button necessary. 


Stop Feeling Stuck, Behind, and Stressed About a Nearing Graduation or Exit Date

Confusion causes inaction and inaction means missing out. 

You don't need more reminders. You need more jargon-free information!


Stop Paying $$$$+ for a Benefits Coordinator

Why pay so much when you'll have to do some of the leg work anyways?  

It’s figure-out-able for far less when you have easy-to-use guidance! 


It’s all the answers and help you’re looking for,

all in one convenient, ready-when-you-are resource

Each Benefit Guide Includes:

  • Benefit overview, including what it is, who is eligible, how it helps, expected time and energy commitment, and when to pursue.

    Step-by-step guide for preparing to apply, what to expect during the application process, how to navigate the approval process, and necessary follow-up.

    Common mistakes and frustrations when applying for the benefit.

    Frequently asked questions

    Contact information

    1-page overview of materials to gather and a to-do checklist for each step.
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Want to Try Before You Buy?

Grab the Start Here guide for FREE! 

Benefits You'll Learn About

How do I pay for…?

With a Funding Source
  • Money to pay for common expenses like PUNS Funding
  • Money to pay for living expenses like SSI Monthly Payments
  • Money to pay for caregivers like DHS Funding


How do I get help with…?

With a Service
  • Health insurance like Medicaid
  • Monthly payments like SSDI
  • Health insurance like Medicare
  • Help to get a job like Dept of Rehab Services


How will I make sure…?

With a Support
  • Instructions for temporary caregivers like Letter of Intent
  • Decision-making control like Supported Decision Making
  • Decision-making control like Power of Attorney
  • Decision-making control like Guardianship
  • Special bank accounts and financial protection like ABLE & Special Needs Trust
  • Providing care for the disabled like Respite
  • Living outside the family home like Housing Options
  • Personal identification options like State ID
  • College disability services, special programs, and on-campus college-like experiences for the disabled like College Supports & Experience programs

Did you just hear about PUNS and need to learn more about it?


Maybe you were given a PUNS brochure by the school or loved one's doctor. 

If you've even glanced at it, you probably have more questions than answers.  Like...

What is it?
What do I do?
Does PUNS really help?
How long does all of this take?


The PUNS benefit guide will answer all that and more (for less than $10)


Click for the PUNS Benefit Guide


As a special educator, I find Heather's Illinois Benefit Email Series to be an invaluable resource for myself and for families. I feel more confident in my ability to understand and explain these complicated topics having read her comprehensible, straightforward breakdowns. I will definitely be recommending families and fellow educators to get these benefit guides for the ultimate go-to resource about accessing Illinois benefits!

-Ashley, Transition Special Education Teacher and Case Manager

"The PUNS guide is a must-have resource for parents!  It explains the entire process using language that is easy to follow, taking the reader step by step through it.   Applying for PUNS is so important, but it can be confusing and it is easy to get lost in the legal jargon and feel intimidated by the process.   A Love for Special Learning's PUNS guide is a life saver!!!"

-Malka, Middle School Special Education Teacher

"Navigating the government systems and paperwork is so confusing and the Take Advantage IL benefit guides explain each benefit in a way that is easy to understand and follow.  Each guide is easily digestable, yet comprehensive and informative.  I immediately began using the information I learned from this resource with my students and families and know this is a resource I will continue to use for years to come.'  

 - Bridget, Special Education Transition Teacher

Frequently Asked Questions

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