Priority #2: Connect Students and Families with Government and Community Benefits
Sep 22, 2021
As a high school life skills special education teacher for juniors and seniors or a transition teacher (or transition coordinator), we all have specific time in our school day for teaching class. Unfortunately, there is never time designated for helping students create opportunities to continue using the skills they have learned in class later in life.
Besides assisting students in securing paid employment and volunteer positions, connecting students and families with community and government benefits often isn’t a priority and is typically passed on to adult agencies. Sadly, those benefits are what will give your students opportunities to continue using the skills they have learned in school far into adulthood.
With that said, priority number one for a special education teacher should be to teach. Consider priority number 2 being connecting students and families with benefits so they can continue to have opportunities to use the skills you taught them in class.
If the term ‘government and community benefits’ is newer to you, then check out this blog post where I lay out some of the most common ones.
If you are nodding your head because you also feel that we should be creating ways for students to use the cooking skill we taught them in class when they are 30, then you are in good company.
When I first started teaching at the transition level, I had no idea about government and community benefits, let alone make time in my schedule to assist families in understanding and accessing them.
Once I saw the light, I couldn’t unsee it. I had to move forward to learn and absorb all that I could so I could be a better resource for my students and families.
If you want to help your students achieve their transition plan, have options as an adult, and get the support you know they need and deserve, then consider joining my FREE training- Benefit Taskmaster Mindset.
If you already know the value in government and community benefits, but you feel so far removed and don’t even know where to begin to support you students and families, then register for my Confused to Connected Professional Development.
I will walk alongside you as you learn about government and community benefits, connect with experts and providers, educate your families, and assist them in accessing and applying with strong follow through and efficiency!
I can help you find a place to start learning, feel confident talking about benefits, and find the time in your overbooked teaching schedule to support your families in the benefit journey. Your future students and families will thank you!