How To Teach: Paying For a Purchase When Shopping
functional life skills how to teach life skills special education teachers teacher experience transition Apr 18, 2022
Importance of Paying for a Purchase
Pre and Post assessment
1 page narrative explaining the skill with and without visual text supports (to incorporate functional reading)
5 skill practice activities to learn and/or reinforce the focus skills
Game for students to practice their skills (because learning is fun)
Boom Cards for practice or assessment
Student learning reflection worksheet (thumbs up or down)
Encouraging on-topic quotes (use as a classroom poster or starter for each class period)
5 strategies for success (tips for being successful with the focus skills)
Coloring page with on-topic graphics
Skill mastery certificate for positive recognition and reinforcement
Data collection sheet on specific focus skills
Homework sheet to encourage students to practice the skill outside of the school setting
Word search of key vocabulary terms
Visuals for focus skills with age appropriate colors and graphics

Blog Post Author
Heather is a former high school and transition special education educator with 15 years of experience in the classroom. She is passionate about creating high-quality, age-appropriate resources, sharing her knowledge of teaching with fellow educators, and helping Illinois families with disabled teens and young adults as they learn about and navigate the confusing world of benefits.

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Making Age of Majority make sense, because turning 18 should be easier!

The functional life skills warm-up you need for your morning routine!

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